Archive for Teenage Life

How to fight after failure…


The best adventure one can ever experience is that of their own life. – Robin Quadros

True attitude of a champion- “Criticise yourself even when your at the top of the ladder. Strive to achieve the best in life.”

“There is not a perfect lap, only in dreams. You can get a great lap without any mistakes, but you can always improve it, believe me!”- Kimi Raikkonen (Formula 1 2007 Champion)

Similarly in life, everything is never achieved. You can still strive for a better life and improve it, believe me! 🙂 – Robin Quadros.

Picture this: You are travelling on the Mumbai – Pune Expressway on your vehicle, and one of your tyres get punctured. What do you do now? Do you just sit and wait for the puncture to “heal” by itself? Or do you try your best to repair it and move on with your journey? Everyone would try his or her best to repair it and move on as soon as possible. Draw a similar analogy with your life. Your life is the journey on the expressway, from Mumbai to destination Pune. You have to reach your destination (aim or goal) no matter what failures you meet on your way. That aim or goal or destination is your career and goals in life. You may meet with a lot of difficulties just as your journey, but you never stop there. Then why stop in life? Move on from all your punctures.

Many teenagers have a problem with life and how to move on after failures. The simple example above will tell you, that in a journey, if you get stuck up, you will just fall back. Life is a similar journey. We may see a lot of roadblocks in the form of parents, failures in exams, breakup with your partner, poverty, etc. Many teenagers loose their focus in similar situations. The only way to reach your goal is to solve your problem as soon as possible and carry on with life. If something is meant to happen it will. But our aim should always be that such a problem never haunts us for a longer time. If one of your tyres gets punctured, will you sleep on the road waiting for it to repair all by itself? How long will you wait? An action is needed, and that action is required as soon as you can. It all depends on your capability.

That brings me to my “Allergy Concept”

We always have the habit of telling people, you are affected by THIS!! I’m not. An allergy does not affect everyone. Some person may have allergy to sea food, someone else may not. Similarly someone may have allergy with dust, etc, and another person may not. Some person may be capable of handling his or her failures whereas the other person may not. We must not make fun of the person who cannot handle a particular situation but instead help them out. For example, ragging. May be 99 out of 100 may be fine with it, but the 100th person may never be able to recover from the shock of ragging which may affect his or her life forever where we never know what they go or have gone through. This is my “Allergy Concept” where everyone may be fine with something, but it affects one particular individual. Everyone is not similar or the same! Every person has their own height or limit that they can touch considering various factors, and each of us must strive to touch that limit, keeping aside all other external negative or variable factors.

Nursery Rhymes:

In our childhood we were thought nursery rhymes, most of which were always motivational. This reminds me of the “Incy wincy Spider”. How many of us even remember the rhymes and the meaning they carry? For those who never heard the same or do not remember it, here it goes:

Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed poor spider out,

Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain,

So Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.

This nursery rhyme teaches us the fighting spirit of the spider. The spider in spite of tough circumstances, waited for the right time, to fulfill his aim, ambitions or obligations, to reach his destination, i.e. his safety. Where has this fighting spirit gone away from us? Why can’t we recover from our initial setbacks and carry on with our life.

Every single difficulty makes us stronger to face every next challenge that we face. Every time I am in a difficulty i remember the worst situation I have been in. If I could face that, I could handle anything in my life. As we say, such difficult circumstances arise to make us stronger for the future. Our life will be plagued with problems forever, but all we must do is thank God for giving us a life and the challenges to make us stronger for the future. We are lucky to see this world, and are lucky to live the life we do. We are lucky for the people we meet. Be thankful for every amazing moment and every feeling we feel. We may not relive the same memories forever, but cherish every single memory you have ever had. If something is meant to happen it will. You need not pursue the same or cry about it. Wait for the right time, because time is the best healer. If you hold a bird too tight it will shit in your hands or fly away. Let the bird fly, if it returns it is yours. Else it was never meant to be.

With this I remember a poem which a very close friend of mine learnt in school and shared the same with me, and told me that this always motivated her and it also helped me a lot. Hoping the same would help the others:

“when things go wrong, as they sumtimes will,
wen the road u are trudgin seems all uphill,
wen da funds r low n da debts r high.
and u want to smile,but u hav to sigh.
wen care is pressin u down a bit-
rest if u muss,but dont u quit
life is queer wid its twists n turns
as every1 of us sumtimes learns
and many a fellow turns about
wen he might hav won had he stuck it out
Dont giv up though the pace seems slow-
u may succeed wid anoder blow.

often the goal is nearer than
it seems to a faint and a faltering man
often the struggler has given up
when he might hav captured the victor’s cup
and he learnt too late wen da night came down
how close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And u can never tell how close u are
It may be near when it seems afar,
so stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
It’s when things seem worst that u mustn’t quit.

Dont quit,but turn to god. ”

Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on so long…. – Vishakha Grover

Finally I hope everyone realise that life is a collection of memories. Life is all about creating new memories and to strive to make each new memory better than the best memory you have ever had.

– Robin Quadros.

American Beauty…

Yes. Your Right. This is the name of a movie and it also won 5 oscars. After I’ve made it to a law college, I have started watching a number a movies, which in a way is good. I dont go to the cinema, because my room is as good as one. One laptop, a bed, 3-4 on that bed, snacks and now a 2600 watt intex speakers. I don’t think I need anything else to watch a movie. Now since we are so jobless and have no work in life, we watch movies regularly. Surprisingly I started watching English movies quite late, and that was after I joined NLIU and I really wondered why I would not see such movies earlier, and would see sick Hindi movies with those same cheap humour which is understood by the average Indian individual. Now I’m happy that the Indian public have started appreciating good intellectual movies like Black Friday, A wednesday, Slumdog Millionaire and some others, and every Yash Raj movie is not becoming a hit as it used to. It is said that movies reflect the life in a society, and it is a mirror, and it truly does. Also, if a movie is a hit, it means it is liked by the public. Most typical Hindi movies have something in common:-

1. A prominent actress.

2. Will have a love story.

3. The whole movie will be based on that love story.

4. Will have a happy and meaningless ending.

It was really sad that at one time the same boring Yash Raj movies would actually run for years, which was replaced by movies like Masti with a cheap humour. Suddenly it is nice to see that Indian public have started appreciating good movies and have started watching them.

Now I will come to one of my favourite English Movies. And among all the movies I’ve seen so far my favourite goes like this:-

1. American Beauty.

2. Shawshank Redemption

3. Fight Club

4.Life is beautiful

5. Butterfly Effect

Now coming to American Beauty. This movie had few amazing dialogues and really effective ones. They made lot of sense. This movie was about an ordinary man, and his ordinary life. Every person no matter how ordinary he may be, is special. One should never compare himself to anyone else. Lester’s life was simple. He had problems with his wife and daughter. He made efforts to mend the relationship. But his family never understood him. But when he was death, both his wife and daughter felt bad. But when a person is dead, you cant really tell a sorry. So if a person had a fight with someone, you shouldn’t wait till the last moment for a sorry, because if it is too late, you would repent and blame yourself for the rest of your life.

Life is a beautiful gift given to us and there is a lot of beauty all around us. Instead of cribbing about our life and our problems, we must rather be happy that we have the gift of live, and so much beauty in the nature and environment around us. In the end, Lester says, “I could have been pissed off at what happened to me, but I close my eyes and think of all the things in my life, and my heart fills up like a balloon that is about to burst, and all I feel is gratitude” Think of every bad situation as a learning experience. Problems make a person more mature, and he learns how to handle life. Everything that happens happens for good and for a reason. So one must not highlight and think about the bad things, but be happy, satisfied about all the good things that have happened to us.

Another dialogue in the movie “In order to be successful one must project an image of success”. One must not mix his professional and personal life. Both these things should be kept at a distance. If one does not enjoy a healthy family life, it should not come in the way of work. Now it is not possible for a person to forget about the problems he is going through, so it is better to just project an image of success. So always in your personal and professional life, always highlight the successful points and leave behind the negative ones.

Now-a-days in a family, both the husband and wife work. They spend very less time with their children and spouse. In such a case it often happens that a person gives more importance to materialistic things rather than family, friends and love. Things like money, house, car have become more important to an individual.

There must always be communication. If one keeps quiet, often there are misunderstandings. Whenever you get an opportunity, always express your feelings. Don’t wait till the last minute, or it may never come. if there is a problem or misunderstanding, always solve it.

Some other good dialogues:-

” Your whole life lies before your eyes the second before you die.”

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life, except the day you die.”

This is a bit that I have understood from the movie and what I have analysed, and I might have missed out on few points. But this is one movie I have really liked and this is the reason for it to be placed No. 1 on my list.

Broken Heart…

This is the story about a girl named Sara. Sara is just an imaginary character and her imaginary story. And any resemblance in this story to any person and any persons life, living or dead is purly co-incidental. So now Sara tells us her story.

This happened two years back. I was 16 years old, just entered my college. I noticed, everything is a show, the girls want to impress guys, and guys want to impress girls. Everyone try to wear good clothes try to show how cool they are, be in a “cool” group, and have the best girl of the college. There was this girl, Natalie, a BIG show off, she had come from Delhi, and was throwing her attitude around. Well later I found out she was one of the wierdest characters in her school back in Delhi, and hardly anyone spoke to her. Anyway, that was my first day in college, did not have any friend, I was the only one who made it there from my school. I noticed everyone were trying their best to impress Natalie, and she was taking advantage of it. Later after a lonely one week, made some friend’s, one of them being Saurav. Saurav was a very nice person, hardworking, career-oriented, simple, smart and most of all very mature. I really liked him, and he always helped me whenever I had any problem, whether it was with family, or friends or studies. He was brilliant in both sports and acedemics. He even won the table tennis competition when he represented Bombay.

Since most of the people in my college were fake, wearing a mask, trying to fool others, I did not personally like any of them. So made only one close friend that time, Saurav. We had become really close friends.

One day, it was raining very heavily. So the so-called lifelines of Mumbai, the locals stopped working. Saurav and I could not go home. Then we decided to go back to college. But then there was a lot of traffic, and even the roads were flooded. Then we tried to make our way back to college. So at that time, we had to pass a lonely area. I was a bit scared. It was lonely and 8pm at night. Saurav then held my hand. I felt comfortabe with him. We were tired, then sat down on the side under a tree. Both of us totally drenched. He took me in his arms, and I felt the warmth. I felt as if I have known him forever. The comfort that I felt just being with him. The time that I enjoyed which I spent with him. In his happiness I would see mine, and in his eyes I would see the truth. Then he whispers those words, which my heart was longing to hear. Those three words, which changes everyones life. I was glad. I told him to repeat, because I couldn’t believe myself. My ears were longing to listen to those words all again. With gladness in my heart, I replied, “Yes, I Do.” And at that moment, I do not know what happened to both of us. Those three words, brought us very close to each other. I could feel something inside me, bringing us very close together. I could feel the love between us. I could feel love flowing between us. We could not control our feelings. That night, something happened that changed my life forever. We then looked at each other, I had tears in my eyes and his arms round me, to protect me from every danger. I felt as if I have found HIM. We then made our way back to college and reached at 9. I could not sleep that night and believe what had happened. My eyes were filled with tears, tears of joy and happiness.

But, I did something, for which I cannot be forgiven. Well it was a wonderful experience then. Two days later, Saurav leaves me, and tells me it’s better for both of us. Then my friend’s tell my Natalie proposed to him, so he left me, and now he is happy with her. At that time, I realised how this person spoiled my life. I realised how cruel life could be, and especially this boy. I got a punishment for falling in love. It was so beautiful being with him. Those same lovely moments had then become nightmares. The dreams that I dreamt of being with him, was like poison I sowed once upon a time, and experiencing its effects now. I have to live with that deep sunken feeling of that night, that wonderful night (at that moment) I had with him. Now how could I trust any guy. How can I live happily with any person after this. How will I tell my husband about my past and especially that one night, when I was used and thrown. I now feel like a slut, that same past keeps haunting me everyday. I get scared to look at myself in the mirror. Every night my soul cries, that one night that changed my life, and left me Broken Hearted…..

I remember the lyrics of the song by Lee Ann Womack… Why they call it falling….

It’s like jumpin
It’s like leapin
It’s like walkin on the ceilin
It’s like floatin
It’s like flyin through the air
It’s like soarin
It’s like glidin
It’s a rocket ship you’re ridin
It’s a feelin that can take you anywhere

So why they call it fallin
Why they call it fallin
Why they call it fallin
I don’t know (Chorus)

There was passion
There was laughter
The first mornin after
I just couldn’t get my feet to touch the ground
Every time we were together
We talked about forever
I was certain it was Heaven we had found


But you can’t live your life
Walkin in the clouds
Sooner or later
You have to come down

It’s like a knife
Through the heart
And it all comes apart
It’s like someone takes a pin to your balloon
It’s a hole
It’s a cave
It’s kinda like a grave
When he tells you that he’s found somebody new


Ooh, why they call it fallin
Why they call it fallin
Now I know

How true.

LOVE… is something so simple, but yet, complex to understand. Now-a-days every teenager has a boyfriend or a girlfriend, but is this truly love, or they need to learn much more. Are they really mature to understand and handle love? Many teenagers have 5-6 (or maybe more) partners before marriage, so do they love everyone, or can someone love only once. Well if anyone is asked if they fell into love with everyone they have been with, the answer would be yes, but what is love, is something they wouldn’t be able to answer. I have taken this topic now, because all around me I see my friends, ruining their life, because of this love. Love can make and break lives. It is good to some, and really bad to others. Many people think love is something like having sex, or giving presents to their partners. Many want to get into a relationship because it is like a status symbol, I have a gf, I am better and cooler than you types. It is really sad because they are playing with the life of the other. And the worse thing is, most of the girls, in a relationship, get toally emotional, and boys usually do not like that. They very rarely get serious in relationships.

So moving on, you’ll must be thinking I have told so many things, asked so many questions, but what according to me is this thing called LOVE…

Once in class, my teacher asked us, What is love? Many gave answers, and then I said, Love is something that is unconditional. He said yes, this is a good definition (i dont give a damn what he thinks), anyway…Love is something that is unconditional, you must not like a person because they are beautiful, rich or have some exceptional qualities. One must like the person as a whole. No person is perfect. One must be supportive, whether its a bad time, or good time. We all can be with our friends when they are happy, and then party with them, but when the same person is sad, people think this person is always depressed, and very few actually are with him then. People even have criteria these days to make friends, those who are rich, good taste in music, etc, etc… I think don’t these people even have any shame. Are these people capable for fighting, and being there when ou need them. So if you really think you can handle these problems, and be there when one needs you, then you deserve love. There is a saying, “Who deserves love, gets it.” It depends if you can handle the responsibilities and dont end up doing something which you will regret for the rest of your life. It really doesn’t matter to boys, but gals are totally devastated after it. Even Lovely moments turn into dark nightmares. One must not expect or dream too much, because those same dreams if they do not come true, turn into nightmares. Rather do not expect anything, that when you achieve it or get it, you wold be the happiest person on this planet.

One must always adjust, give the other space, that even they enjoy their life. Age of around 17-18 is not the right time to get committed. But, one just learns from mistakes. I know about a couple (cannot disclose), the girl who was a good friend of mine, and doesn’t even know what kind of a guy she is going around with. If one intervenes, she would think they are jealous. So when I was talking to a friend in college about them, he told me, “If it works out for her, good for her. If it does not, she’ll learn from it. Both ways, she is benefitting.” How true…One just learns from bad experiences. Everyone is a kid (even if they are 25 and don’t accept it), but its the experience that he had, the mistakes that he committed, is the thing that will teach him the most.

Well this is something that I have learnt, my experience, friend’s experience, and many other families, those who were successful and those who were not. This is a small thought, something what I feel. Something that I learnt. I may be wrong, but one learns from mistakes ;). I wrote something in my blog after a long time, and would be writing much more. So do post in your comments and wait for my next post.